Friday, April 16, 2010

Empire State College exhibition

Details for the exhibit:

June 1 hanging from 1-4pm.
June 10, Thursday- reception from 5:30-7:30 pm, we supply postcards, poster, refreshments, utensils and a table covering if desired. (Fridays the school closes at 5.)
July 30, take down exhibit from 1-4 pm.

Timothy has a release form the college requires all exhibitors to sign. Each exhibitor is responsible for the insurance on the work.

We will need volunteers for the hanging and take down. We will need to have some coordination of the reception activities.

Can we get a list of Alumni that would be exhibiting? Please get the news out to the blog. I haven't signed up for it yet. Does anyone have an update of the exhibitors?

We also discussed doing an ABG Chinese New Year lunch downtown next year. I bet Alice Chen would like that. Can we ask the group if there is interest. Empire State College and ABG.
One other thing. I will send an announcement for Albert Paley at the Mag with ESC for 10.00 per person on May 6th at 5:00 pm. Timothy has extended the event to ABG.

See you soon,

Best Regards always,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone,

    Please vote for our group at:

    You can also vote as many times as you want.


